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    Rice & Risotto: 75 delicious recipes for a classic ingredient, shown step by step in over 250 photographs
    Autor: Roz Denny
    Strana: -
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    This accessible book displays the wonderful diversity of dishes that can be made from this simple staple food. Collected from around the globe, the recipes are divided into sections that include Mid-week Meals, Easy Entertaining, Vegetarian Dishes, Side Dishes and Snacks, and Puddings. Every recipe is photographed step-by-step and accompanied by easy-to-follow instructions. Expert tips are provided throughout and there is advice on rice varieties, methods of preparation and serving suggestions. Steamed, baked and fried, the recipes include risottos, seafood paellas, snacks, and mouth-watering puddings. This fabulous collection of over 75 of the world's favourite recipes shows how simple it is to make superb dishes from a classically versatile ingredient.

    Detaljni podaci o knjizi
    Naslov: Rice & Risotto: 75 delicious recipes for a classic ingredient, shown step by step in over 250 photographs
    Pismo: latinica
    Format: cm
    Godina izdanja: 2018
    ISBN: 9781843095880
    Cena: 910 RSD
    Cena za inostranstvo:
    9,00 EUR

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