    od 1984. god.
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    Nathan and Oski's Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood, 2-Volume Set, 8e (Nathan and Oskis Hematology of Infancy and Childhood)
    Written by the leading names in pediatric oncology and hematology, Nathan and Oski's Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood offers you the essential tools you need to overcome the unique challenges and complexities of childhood cancers and hematologic disorders. Meticulously updated, this exciting full-color, two-volume set brings together the pathophysiology of disease with detailed clinical guidance to provide you with the most comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date information for diagnosing and treating children.

    Detaljni podaci o knjizi
    Naslov: Nathan and Oski's Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood, 2-Volume Set, 8e (Nathan and Oskis Hematology of Infancy and Childhood)
    Izdavač: Elsevier
    Strana: 2752 (cb)
    Povez: tvrdi
    Pismo: latinica
    Format: 241 x 292 cm
    Godina izdanja: 2014
    ISBN: 9781455754144
    Dostupno za 30 do 60 dana.
    Cena: 38.592 RSD
    Cena za inostranstvo:
    386,00 EUR

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    Kneza Višeslava 34, 11030 Beograd, Srbija
    e-pošta: prodaja(а)mikroknjiga.rs
    Komercijalna banka: 205-33117-65
    Matični broj: 07465181
    Šifra delatnosti: 5811
    PIB: 100575773
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